A Question
Which of the following combinations of views are consistent*:
1. Objectivism about metric and relationism about time
2. Objectivism about metric and absolutism about time
3. Conventionalism about metric and relationism about time
4. Conventionalism about metric and absolutism about time
I am particularly interested in what you guys think about (4).
*Note: A combination of views is consistent if, and only if, supposing that both views are true does not commit you to a contradiction. An obvious example of an inconsistent combination of views would be if one held that atheism and theism are both correct. A combination of views might be consistent but very unattractive. It is consistent, but very unattractive, to hold that invisible sparkling monkeys cause lights to go on and off, for instance.
Consistency is all-or-nothing; it is not a matter of degree. One might find one or other option more plausible but one option cannot be more consistent than any other. With respect to (4), what I was wondering is whether it even makes sense to endorse both Conventionalism and Absolutism.
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